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Fear... What is its Role and Your Brain's Functions in Your Life?

brain fear military veterans Mar 15, 2023
Fear and the Brain's Amygdala

For military veterans, understanding fear is an important part of learning how to overcome it. We all have an amygdala, a tiny almond-shaped structure located deep within our brains.

This small but powerful organ helps us respond quickly to fear-inducing situations by releasing hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline. These hormones can help us react quickly to danger, but they can also keep us from reaching our potential, especially when it comes to taking action in our lives. In this blog post, we’ll explore how this tiny structure works with our identity and fears to keep us safe from harm and how it affects our ability to take action in life.

How the Brain Works with Fear and Emotion

The amygdala is part of the brain’s limbic system, which controls emotion and memory formation. This system is activated when we experience fear or other strong emotions, such as anger or joy. When this happens, the amygdala sends signals throughout the body that activate different physiological responses. These responses include increased heart rate, increased blood pressure, sweating, trembling, and even changes in breathing patterns.

 Our Identity & How It Relates To Fear

The way we think about ourselves (our identity) has a direct effect on how we respond to fear-inducing situations. When we identify with something—a job title or position in life—it becomes easier for us to recognize potential threats related to those things. This can be beneficial because it helps us avoid danger; however, it can also lead to overthinking or worrying needlessly about situations that may never even happen.

Taking Action Despite Fears

It’s normal for everyone to feel fear at some point; however, it’s important not to let your fears keep you from taking action in life. By recognizing when you are feeling fearful and allowing yourself time to process those feelings without judgment or criticism, you can learn how best to respond in those moments without letting your fears control you. Additionally, it may help to focus on what you want rather than what you don’t want; by doing so, you give yourself permission to take risks despite your fears and reach for bigger goals in life.    

Learn to Use Your Brain For Your Best Self

Fear is a natural response that keeps us safe from harm; however, if left unchecked it can prevent us from reaching our full potential in life. The amygdala plays an important role in helping us recognize dangerous situations by releasing hormones that activate different physiological responses throughout our body; however, sometimes these same responses can lead us down paths of overthinking or worrying excessively about imagined dangers instead of focusing on what we want out of life while taking calculated risks despite our fears. With practice and patience, military veterans can learn how best use their amygdala as a tool for growth instead of one for limiting their potential success in life.